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African Missions Project (AMP) is a 501(C)3 non-profit ministry that is dedicated to "Advancing God's Kingdom in Africa". We endeavor to accomplish this mission by partnering with the Kenya Assemblies of God (KAG) church and pastors to help them realize their goals. 


I. African Tabernacle Evangelism - Building Church structures that are erected in one day that give the congregation a place to call home.


II. African Oasis- Water Wells that provide clean drinking water for the villages.


III. Africa Children- Working with the orphan children of Africa. 


IV. Cry Africa- Fighting the Aids epidemic.


V. Africa Hope- Helping to train the indigenous Pastors to lead their congregations.


AMP partners with approved Assemblies of God Missionaries, currently serving on the continent, to help them realize their goals and dreams of ministering to the indigenous people of this needy and impoverished land. We can only accomplish this lofty goal with your generous financial contributions and prayers. Please check out our current projects lists and consider joining us on a 7 to 10 day short term missions trip to "Build God's Kingdom in Africa" Or if you are unable to come would you please consider donating to our current mission found on the project link.


May God richly bless you as you seek to "Change the Face of Africa."


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