Build & Adopt a Church in Africa
Your partnership with AMP can truly “Change the Face of Africa.” By donating, you are not just contributing to a building; you are investing in a brighter future for countless individuals and families. We are inviting the American church to join us in a unique opportunity to make a profound impact. For a relatively modest investment of $6,000, you can build and adopt a church in Africa—creating a place of worship, community, and transformation.
Even more, this church can bear your church’s name, forever linking your congregation with a sister church in Africa. Through this adoption process, your church will not only provide a spiritual home for others, but you will also become a mentor and big brother to this new community, guiding and supporting them in their growth. Additionally, by offering $50 a month for a year, your church can support the local pastor financially, helping ensure the church thrives under strong, stable leadership.
This is more than just constructing a building; it’s about creating an enduring legacy of faith, hope, and love that will thrive for generations.
Imagine the lives touched, the families uplifted, and the spiritual revival sparked through your generosity. Together, we can make a lasting difference and be the hands and feet of Christ, spreading His love across the continent. Will your church rise to this calling and partner with us to change lives?

AMP partners with Kenya Assemblies of God (KAG) to spread the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and build His kingdom throughout Africa. One powerful way we achieve this is by sending mission teams to Africa to construct Tabernacle churches. These structures, made of steel and topped with tin roofs, provide a solid foundation for local believers to create their places of worship. For a relatively modest investment of $6,000, a basic church structure can be erected, serving as a beacon of hope and faith for the community.
Tabernacle technology offers incredible flexibility, meeting current needs and accommodating future growth. With just concrete footings, steel trusses, corrugated roofing, a few screws, and a generous dose of elbow grease, a church can rise in as little as two days. AMP's ambitious goal is to build 100 Tabernacles across Kenya, transforming communities and lives.
Imagine the impact of your support. These churches, standing strong and proud, become the heart of their communities. They offer a place for worship, a sanctuary of peace, and a center for spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. The local congregations, often owning the land but lacking the funds for construction materials, can finally have a place to gather, pray, and grow together.
For just $6,000, you can help erect a church in two days, enabling the community to hold open-air evangelism services immediately. The result is often astonishing—the congregation typically doubles in size from one Sunday to the next, as the newly built church draws more people to hear the gospel and experience God's love.​
If you would like to partner with us and adopt a African congregation by building a tabernacle church please contact Pastor Guy Scatton at 570-599-5526.