African Missions Project (AMP) is partnering with Dr. Charles Mulli and Mully Children Family (MCF)
The Beginning of African Missions Project and Mully Children's Family Collaboration
In March of 2023, we were blessed to spend a wonderful week with Dr. Charles Mulli, from the world's largest children's family, MCF. It was highlighted by our Kalahari fundraising dinner on Friday evening March 24th, 2023. The Lord richly blessed us by providing over $70,000 in donations! We also received a matching grant of up to $40,000! These funds will go towards building the 12th MCF campus, in collaboration with AMP, in the Kisumu Kenya area.
We were then able to purchase 7 acres of land along with the fencing and additional securities needed. Thank you to everyone who generously donated to "Building and Advancing the Kingdom of God in Africa".
Mully Children Family (MCF)
African Missions Project (AMP) is partnering with Dr. Charles Mulli and Mully Children Family (MCF) to build a rescue center for the street children of Kenya. This center will rescue marginalized street children and provide them with food, shelter, schooling, vocational skills, and most importantly teach them about the love our Lord Jesus Christ has for them.
Dr. Mulli has built eleven of these rescue centers in Kenya since 1993 and over 30,000 street children have been rescues through his ministry. These children are becoming leading citizens in Kenya and have become Doctors, nurses, Lawyers, Teachers, Construction workers, business leaders and are helping to transform the nation of Kenya. While Dr. Mulli has eleven of these centers throughout Kenya there is not one located in Kisumu, Kenya which is where AMP is partnering with MCF to build one. This is where you come in!
We raised the initial cost is $120,000 in March of 2023, which allowed us to purchase and secure the land. We now need to raise additional funds to start construction of the many buildings needed: kitchen, dining hall, bathrooms, schoolrooms, dormitories, etc. We need big and small donors to make this dream possible.
Remember James 1:27 which says "Pure religion that pleases God our Father is this. To help orphans and widows in their distress and keep oneself from being polluted by the world." I personally don't know of a better way to accomplish this command than to rescue street children in their distress.
Won't you please consider partnering with us to save these precious children from a life of drugs, prostitution, gangs, and destruction.
You can give by PayPal, Donorbox, or by making a check out to AMP and mailing to 218 Bear Run Drive Drums, PA 18222.