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Orphan Feeding

​Located in the Siany slums of Kisumu, Kenya lies the 350 children who attend the Siany Orphan School. Founded in the year 2003 by Pastor Manguscho Chelimo and his wife Resila. These orphan children are not only surviving but thriving thanks to a joint operation feeding program between African Missions Project and Faith Assembly of God church. 


In addition to each orphan child receiving two meals per day, they also learn reading, writing, arithmetic, and the love of our Lord Jesus Christ in English. It is our honor and privilege to minister to these precious children of God by visiting with them every so often on short term missions trips. 


We travel 3 times a year to the Siany slums of Kenya during our missions trips to minister to these orphan children. Won't you consider partnering with us as we seek to fulfill the scripture found in James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

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Siany Child Development Center


SIANY CHILD DEVLOPMENT CENTER The Siany Child Development Center is a Humanitarian Department concerned with the very needy children in the surrounding slums of Kisumu, Kenya. 


GOALS: The ultimate goal of Siany Child Development Center is to transform these would be neglected children into responsible Christians and economically productive citizens, by initiating necessary programs capable of liberating them from their Spiritual, Economic, Physical and Social Bondage.


DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES: To initiate programs geared to empowering the children economically. To initiate programs geared to empowering the children spiritually. To initiate programs geared to developing the children into a healthy nation. To initiate programs geared to promoting mutually accepted attitudes and values among the center’s children.


BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The unique physical position of Siany Child Development Center in relation to the six great slums of Siany, Sije, Koyango, Gesoko, Awuji and Kasawino has always posed great challenges to the Orphanage. Since its inception, these overcrowded slums are characterized by complex Socio-economic, physical and spiritual problems like : Poor housing, lack of shelter, sewage, explosions, social ills, thuggery, diseases [ cholera, ringworm, bilharzias,and malaria, etc. ] and high death rates. Tremendous spread of HIV related diseases, high school drop- outs, non-schooled children, large families living below poverty level and malnutrition. In taking the gospel to these slums, Kenya Assembly of God (KAG) Church in Siany has discovered that these problems were quite acute. Individual church members formed programs to try and reach them with clothing, food, and even paying of school fees for some children. K.A.G. church has responded to this challenge by establishing a fully staffed Children’s church to cater for the spiritual needs of these children by reaching them and their families. 


Soon these slum children developed great affection for the church and were able to identify with its members. Nevertheless, their socio-economic and physical needs could not be met due to limited resources.


To help feed these precious orphan children lunch at the school every day please  contact Pastor Guy Scatton at 570-599-5526.  



African Missions Project

218 Bear Run Drive

Drums, PA 18222


Tel. 570-599-5526


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