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About Us

We are dedicated to transforming lives in African countries by supporting widows, rescuing street children, and building churches, all to advance God's kingdom and spread His love.

African Missions Project (AMP) is a 501(C)3 non-profit ministry that is dedicated to "Advancing God's Kingdom in Africa". We endeavor to accomplish this mission by partnering with the African Assemblies of God (KAG) church and pastors to help them realize their goals. 


I. African Tabernacle Evangelism - Building Church structures that are erected in one day that give the congregation a place to call home.


II. African Oasis - Water Wells that provide clean drinking water for the villages.


III. Africa Children - Working with the orphan children of Africa. 


IV. Cry Africa - Fighting the Aids epidemic.


V. Africa Hope - Helping to train the indigenous Pastors to lead their congregations.


AMP partners with approved African Assemblies of God Pastors, to help them realize their goals and dreams of ministering to the indigenous people of this needy and impoverished land. We can only accomplish this lofty goal with your generous financial contributions and prayers. Please check out our current projects lists and consider joining us on a 7 to 10 day short term missions trip to "Build God's Kingdom in Africa" Or if you are unable to come would you please consider donating to our current mission found on the project link. 


May God richly bless you as you seek to "Change the Face of Africa."


Our Story

African Missions Project Genesis started with a whisper in the Spring of 2006 with a whisper from God. I was searching for the Call of God on my life and his plan for what he wanted me to do. I heard a whisper from the Holy Spirit telling me He had something big He wanted me to do. That was all He whispered. I was studying on how to discern God's will in my life and one of the things I had learned is we have to tell God we are all in and will do what He says before He reveals it to us. This principle is found in James 1:5-8. One month later I was reading a Christian magazine from our church lobby at Faith Church Hazleton located in Hazle Township,  Pennsylvania. There was a postage size stamp ad for building churches in Africa in two days of construction. The Holy Spirit spoke to my Spirit and said that is the calling I have on your life. I want you to go to Africa and "Build and Advance My Kingdom " there. In the summer of 2007 we took a team of nine people and planted our very first church in Kisumu,  Kenya called Victoria Faith Church  [ they name it after our church]. Since 2007 we have planted twenty four Tabernacle Churches by the Grace of God. God has also allowed and provided for us to minister and provide food for 570 Orphan Children, 85 HIV infected widows, provide medical care to the villagers, put in water wells, for needy Orphan and Street Children Rescue Home and partner with Dr. Charles Mully and the Mully Children Family to build the 12TH Street Children Rescue Home in the western province of Kenya. We will be venturing to new countries in 2025 and 2026 including the Ivory Coast and Uganda.


Our future goals are to plant 100 churches throughout Africa for needy congregations and preach the Gospel to the indigenous people of Africa along with providing a Street Children Rescue Home that will provide 200 children with no homes, a roof over there head, a warm bed to sleep in, three nutritious meals a day, medical care, education, and skills training so they will be able to have a sustainable future. We aim to follow Jesus command that whatever we do to the least of these we do so as unto Him.

Meet The Team

Our Partners



African Missions Project

218 Bear Run Drive

Drums, PA 18222


Tel. 570-599-5526


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Felipe Castro

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